We train Kinesiopractors®

A Kinesiopractor® is a kinesiologist that has completed and passed all ICPKP units, both formative and summative assessments, end-of-series exams and case studies.

Attention School Leavers!  Are you taking a Gap Year in 2025?
Are you a school leaver contemplating your next steps? Embark on an exciting gap year that enriches your life and empowers others?  Dive into the world of *PKP Kinesiology* and discover a unique opportunity to blend personal growth with hands-on experience!

We have wonderful news!

Did you know that all our Professional Kinesiology Practitioner students that complete the PKP Kinesiology training can now register with ASCHP (Association of Supportive Counsellors and Holistic Practitioners)?   

Depending on your PKP level of training you may register as a:-
Supportive Counsellor – NQF level 4
Holistic Counsellor – NQF level 5
Wellness Counsellor – NQF level 7
Specialist wellness Counsellor – NQF level 8

AND Did you know that we are the ONLY college in South Africa that has added value for our students? We have our own in-house secure E-learning Platform covering all 4 levels of PKP so that our students can come to class fully prepared.

Our E-learning Platform has content and video demonstrations so that the student can preview the class material before attending class, as well as review it after class. During the face to face teaching, we will repeat the course content and assist you with any questions, demos and homework issues. This means that no matter what the circumstances, (pandemic issues!) our students can continue to learn!

Please note that face to face teaching is essential and is a requirement to pass the course.

Receive an Internationally recognised Certificate, Diploma and continue on to an Advanced Diploma and Graduate Diploma of Kinesiopractic®.

To find out more send a request here

So, what is Kinesiology?

From its early beginnings in Chiropractic in the 1960’s Kinesiology has evolved into an extraordinary complementary healthcare modality, one which combines Western techniques with Eastern wisdom.

Over the years, research pioneers who were specialists in their disciplines contributed to its huge body of knowledge and so today we find many different streams or forms of Kinesiology that have been integrated to form a vast amount of knowledge and techniques designed to access and assess stress within the body-mind system. .

Kinesiology includes techniques from NLP, visualisation, nutrition, brain integration, Chinese medicine, Chiropractic, lymphatic drainage, essential oils, crystals, flower essences, adrenal balancing, food sensitivities, aromatherapy, acupressure, personality typing, muscle activation, chakra balancing, and much more..

PKP Kinesiology is a client-centered approach to health and wellness..

Our courses are written by a medical doctor and have the in-depth knowledge and skills to take you to the top of your profession.

We are not a FET college. Our college is under the auspices of ICPKP. ICPKP is a leading provider of course material and assessment tools in kinesiology, the science of energy balancing. Colleges all over the world are accredited by ICPKP to teach ICPKP material as part of certificate and diploma programmes, plus the unique Advanced and Graduate Diplomas of Kinesiopractic®. ICPKP has registered units in Australia and New Zealand with the relevant qualifications authorities. As we are not an FET college, we also cannot provide international students with a letter to obtain a student visa.

Learn more About the College

Kinesiology is one of the most holistic therapies of all time. It works with all types of life challenges, from physical pain, to emotional issues and everything in between. Kinesiologists are trained to work with you to help you to thrive, be more successful, be at peace and stress free in all areas of your life. With Kinesiology you can have better relationships, great communication, less pain, sleep better, be more successful, and create the kind of life you want!

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Addictions
  • Relationships
  • Pain
  • Muscle Injury
Learn More

“Its what you learn after you know it all that counts.”

~ Earl Weaver

What do kinesiologists say? A few words from our students.

“Specialised Kinesiology is a client-centered approach to health, wellness and lifestyle. Specialised Kinesiology supports the unique expression of true health and vitality for each individual mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.”

“Clients who ‘turn to Kinesiology’ are usually on a path to ‘find themselves’ or ‘their essence’ whether that be to lessen pain or gain personal growth. Kinesiology, through the use of muscle testing, enables a connection to our essence, to the wholeness of self. As Kinesiologist’s we facilitate that journey.”

“Using muscle testing as a tool, Kinesiologist’s help people gain accurate insight into what is causing pain – on any level: mental, emotional, physical and social. Then, using a variety of balancing techniques, we assist the body to heal itself so that the client can find balance and wholeness – to move forward and live their best life.”

“Kinesiology is a method of gaining access to a person’s unconscious wisdom and walking the journey with the client to recognising patterns and assisting with changing and enlightening their lives and assisting the client to self healing.”

“Kinesiology uses muscle testing as a tool which aids in providing guidance and self healing in one’s life – to recognise, understand and break patterns, helping bring a positive change in all aspects – helping one achieve a more fulfilled life purpose.”

“Kinesiology helps clients to access unconscious / survival patterns that keep them stuck in their lives and give them tools for making change. On a physical level we also use various techniques that support the body in engaging its natural healing process.”

Connect with us

We’d love to hear from you, whether it’s comments about our website, questions about Kinesiology or even some interesting news you’d like to share.

You can also follow us on our solcial media and request information on any of our courses or workshops.

Kinesiology News & Events