Specialised Kinesiology has a long history based in science, Eastern medicine, Applied Kinesiology and chiropractic. Kinesiology means ‘the study of movement’. It also describes a complementary or alternative therapy that uses muscle testing or muscle monitoring to work with what may be causing ‘imbalances’ in the body. Kinesiologists may work with health and wellbeing issues including stress, muscle pain, nutritional issues, emotional problems and learning and behavioural difficulties. Kinesiology focuses on ‘unresolved stress reactions’ and uses techniques to assist the body’s natural healing process. Unlike Applied Kinesiology, where muscles are tested for strength, the more recently developed streams of Kinesiology use muscle monitoring as a form of biofeedback.

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Where did Kinesiology originate?

From its early beginnings in Chiropractic in the 1960’s Kinesiology has evolved into an extraordinary complementary healthcare modality, one which combines Western techniques with Eastern wisdom.

Over the years, research pioneers who were specialists in their disciplines contributed to its huge body of knowledge and so today we find many different streams or forms of Kinesiology that have been integrated to form a vast amount of knowledge and techniques designed to access and assess stress within the body-mind system.


How stress affects us

Stress can be helpful and good when it motivates people to accomplish more, for example competing in a race or accomplishing a task with a deadline, but stress becomes a burden when we feel increasingly overwhelmed and out of control.

In our busy modern day lives, we all carry stress, often not consciously realising just how damaging it is. Stress can show up in physical symptoms and we become ill. Stress has a direct effect on the gut, the immune and hormonal systems, the brain and liver function. We may experience aches and pains, an inability to sleep, anxiety, a feeling of anger and frustration, indigestion, fatigue, an inability to cope, skin disorders, frequent colds, apathy, depression, feelings of hopelessness, dis-ease; the range of problems caused by stress is endless !

When we are under stress, either mentally, emotionally or physically, our body talks to us through symptoms or dis-ease. All these symptoms are a messenger telling us that something in our life is out of sync and that we are not coping. Your body is literally talking to you. Treating the symptoms is like killing the messenger for bringing bad news. It is important to find out what the message is and what area of your life it is telling you about!

Undoubtedly stress is an inevitable consequence of modern life; fortunately, the downstream damage caused by it is not. The body is designed to adapt to stressors to help maintain equilibrium and healthy functioning and Kinesiology can help to find out what our body is trying to say and why we are not adapting appropriately.

Your body is talking to you. Are you listening?

ICPKP Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that looks behind the symptoms caused by stress. Kinesiologists use muscle testing as a feedback mechanism to access and assess information on your health and wellbeing. Muscle testing is a profound method that allows the Kinesiologist to “talk to your body” accessing conscious, subconscious and body memory. This provides a real-time evaluation of the mind, the body, the neurological systems, the endocrine and hormonal responses, the energy system as well as feelings, emotions, old negative behaviour patterns, and memories. More importantly, it shows the integration or lack of integration of the various systems in relation to each other.

When we are unable to respond to our stressful lifestyles in an appropriate way the signals between body and brain become unclear. This shows up as a change of muscle response that is abnormal via muscle testing. A Specialised Kinesiologist is able to detect this muscle response in a person and in so doing is able to find out where the person is not coping in their life.

Once imbalances or blockages in the systems are identified, muscle testing can also identify the best way of correcting the imbalance specific to the individual. Kinesiology uses a wide variety of techniques that activate the body’s natural healing ability to create positive change and self-healing leading to new perspectives and a more meaningful, healthy and fulfilled life. Kinesiology works gently to resolve the underlying cause or issue that created the problem, as opposed to treating or suppressing the symptoms.

Specialised Kinesiology is a participatory process involving the client in making changes to regain control of their life and the ability to make informed choices. Kinesiologists help their clients to recognise and adapt to stressors in a way that is safe and effective. They support the health and well-being of their clients to help prevent the vast array of health issues that are associated with chronic activation of the body’s stress response.

The International Association of Specialized Kinesiology defines Kinesiology in the following way;

Specialized Kinesiology is the art of assessing the energetic systems of a person by using precision muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism. Using the same feedback and Specialized Kinesiology methods, a Specialized Kinesiologist identifies appropriate protocols for promoting, restoring and maintaining balance within these energetic systems. The Practitioner uses an educational model to improve his/her clients’ awareness and willingness to foster their own wellbeing.