What you can do with it

  • Take your Kinesiology career to the next level of excellence
  • Learn diverse techniques to help your clients even better
  • Be aware of the difference between the kinesiology model of treatment and the medical model

What you will learn

The International Advanced Diploma of Kinesiopractic® is a further 12 Kinesiology units (416 hours) of training that the student can undertake after completing the Diploma in Professional Kinesiology Practice.  The International Advanced Diploma is a one year course that adds important new tools to the toolbox of PKP™ Practitioners. The course builds on the foundation established in the Certificate and Diploma programmes and covers several subjects including Hypertonic Muscle Release, Vibrational Energy Fields, the pelvic diaphram, lymph clearing, Metaphysical Energy fields and more. The curriculum also includes Red Flags (diagnostic process and treatment implementation used in Natural and Traditional Health and Healing compared with the Professional Kinesiology Practitioner Protocols) and Research components as core wellness subjects common to many health therapies.

About the Advanced Diploma of Kinesiopractic® (PKP 3)

ICPKP students can go beyond average, into excellence. They can complete an International Advanced Diploma of Kinesiopractic® (PKP 3).  The student’s learning path is monitored for proficiency each step of the way.  Each unit has an Assessment Journal to be completed and marked by the instructor.  This mark is added to the student’s computerised track record.  The student will then do a short computer test for competency and on completion of each wedge of training, there is an end of series exam.  This is to ensure graduates of ICPKP maintain a high level of knowledge and competency.

(Pre-requisite International Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice – PKP 2)

Course Dates & Venues

The dates are set after the students have completed the Kinesiology pre-requisites. The dates will be discussed with the students and set to suit their needs.