Having spent most of her working life in busy restaurants Erin has seen and dealt with a range of different reactions from different people. She is a calm and centered person and being in this environment has given her valuable insight into the mannerisms of people and their emotions and how our reactions to the outside world is largely based on our inner, sometimes hidden emotions. With her light hearted understanding manner she creates a comfortable and safe space to investigate these emotions.
Holding this space for someone to navigate and re-align their past or present discomfort is very important to her, as having been through her own life traumas she has the knowledge of just how nessasary this is towards self healing. This also helps her to bring insight into uncovering, working though and releasing the emotions that have become lodged in various ways around the body and mind.
Her passion is to evolve and learn more about life and self, to encourage and help others, where she can, for the benefit of themselves as well as for the collective human race. This follows her belief system based on open-mindedness and that we are all connected. Seeing someone take charge of positive change in their lives is one of the best things in life!
After having traveled through Ireland and South America, having a child and settling down, she has been focusing on her life long dream of helping people find their light clear their baggage, heal themselves and live their best lives !