I am a Professional Specialised Kinesiologist with more than 2000 hrs of Kinesiology training. After studying Reflexology, I realised the magic and ability of our bodies to heal naturally, if its retrained and nurtured to do so. Alternative healing has always been my passion for as long as I can remember. So studying Reflexology and Kinesiology opened the ‘natural health and natural healing’ world for me. I am a strong believer in alternative health care and therapies, and it has been my dream to offer more value added health for people. Through Kinesiology, I have learned necessary tools and skills to achieve just that. I embrace the journey of natural healing wholeheartedly and hope to share it with the world. I was also inspired by the fact that in South Africa we are surrounded by and live with nature, and I decided to include nature in healing, not only on the physical level but also on the emotional level.
Kinesiology can unblock our self limiting beliefs and trauma that is locked in our biocomputer. Through gentle processes, I help a client to go to the corners that he/she is scared to go to alone.
I have a keen interest in assisting clients with sports injuries, emotional pain, stress, trauma, food sensitivities and physical pain in general. Kinesiology will not only make you feel better in the short term but will also help you to heal better and sustain your health.
In order to live a balanced life, we need to look at 3 dimensions of our lives i.e. Physical, Mental & Emotional. We are not helping our bodies if we look only on the physical side, without attending others equally important aspects such as emotional and mental, which are part of the faculties for our well-being.
I enjoy working with teens & adults.
I work Friday, Saturday & Sundays in Douglasdale.
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