K-POWER® Manual Therapy Workshop

What you can do with it

  • Complement your existing therapies with muscle testing skills and basic kinesiology
  • Reduce pain in your clients/patients
  • Activate muscle energy
  • Achieve speedy and long lasting results
  • Expand your practice with new resources to use with your clients
  • What you will learn
  • Learn accurate muscle testing
  • Complement your existing therapies with muscle testing skills and basic kinesiology
  • Relieve pain
  • Improve mobility, release restricted movement and improve co-ordination
  • Enhance performance
  • Set appropriate goals
  • Identify individual food/substance sensitivity
  • Connect body and mind
  • Test for the most effective treatment
  • Evaluate and balance the muscular-skeletal system
  • Add the dimension of subtle energy and the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Activate reflexes to improve circulation, lymphatic drainage and muscle tone
  • Demonstrate effectiveness of treatment
  • Start a whole new practice using kinesiology techniques to treat your clients

What you will learn

Learn accurate muscle testing Relieve pain improve mobility, release restricted movement and improve co-ordination enhance performance set appropriate goals identify individual food/substance sensitivity connect body and mind test for the most effective treatment evaluate and balance the muscular-skeletal system add the dimension of subtle energy and the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine activate reflexes to improve circulation, lymphatic drainage and muscle tone demonstrate effectiveness of treatment complement your existing therapies with muscle testing skills and basic kinesiology start a whole new practice using kinesiology techniques to treat your clients

The courses are run over to 2 jam packed weekends as well as a practice session.

About the K-POWER® Manual Therapist Certificate

If you would like be proficient in muscle testing to enhance your existing skills, reduce pain in your clients/patients, activate muscle energy, achieve speedy and long lasting results and expand your practice and have new resources to use with your clients then these workshops are for you. Find out how Kinesiology can enhance athletic performance The K-POWER®Manual Therapy Kinesiology units were designed for massage therapists, physiotherapists, fitness trainers, chiropractors, Pilates instructors and body work therapists. The K-Power® Series was developed from the ICPKP Diploma course teaching modules and provides continuing education for manual therapists and body workers who want to broaden their skills. These series of workshops are based on aspects of Applied and Specialised Kinesiology, Osteopathy, Chiropractics, Chinese 5-Element theory of Acupuncture, and Metaphysical aspects of wellness, for those willing to venture a little further and it uses the “whole person” approach to wellness. Each of the workshops has a full and complete muscle protocol for separate areas of the body

Course Dates & Venues

Due to an extremely full 2023 calendar will will not be teaching the K-POWER® Manual Therapist certificate courses. However please contact us if you have a minimum of 4 participants and would like to host the course. To find out more contact us.